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Datum: 09.02.2022, 21:27 Uhr
Ireland Germany Noob Inferno League of Legends uncut channel
HI, we here at Noob Inferno try to provide serious content. So we started the second Youtube channel a few days ago, just wanted to let you know. What we do do a lot is play games the whole way through, no matter the KDA or other stuff. We don´t spam ping or flame too much.
We are always helpful in game, but helping the enemy champion into the afterlife does have priority over, say a tower takedown. We do not do Baron before we have at least 3 partymembers above lvl12 and 2 items. We do dragon at jungler lvl 3 or lvl 4 with min. two players assisting the jungler.
The Rift herold is to be attacked with two or more players above lvl 5 and can be done directly after dragon if there are no good ganks available.
We do only surrender, after speaking about it in chat in game and the situation seems hopeless for min. 4 players. We do not start surrender votes unless 4 of us are in agreeance about the forfeit.
We use runes like gathering storm and the like ( e.g. lifesteal ) so giving up robs your teamplayers of the full potential of their champs, if they never play games over 30min.

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